We aim to continue expanding in both existing and new markets, with ambitious growth targets in place.
We continue our growth by identifying locations for new build centres in partnership with local developers, targeting areas with families seeking high-quality childcare support.
At the same time, we're investing in our existing facilities and people, spending £100m on centre upgrades across the group over the past two years, so we can continue to deliver the highest-quality service for our families.
Busy Bees has an outstanding track record of completing and integrating acquisitions to deliver strong financial growth in the business.
Our global M&A team's capabilities, relationships and reputation has established Busy Bees as an acquirer of choice in a fragmented market that is looking to consolidate.
That has seen over 750 centres join to the Busy Bees group since OTPP's investment in 2013.
We have formulated a clear set of criteria for identifying potential acquisition targets that share our values, deliver high quality childcare and can benefit from being part of the Busy Bees group.
It's an approach that has proven effective in giving Busy Bees a foothold in new markets while also strategically complementing existing centres in existing markets.
Many of the established providers that we acquire have built significant brand value in their markets, which we have retained, creating a portfolio of well-known brands.
Quick and seamless integration is crucial; we have an experienced team of integrators who work to integrate newly acquired centres within 3-4 months, giving them access to all Busy Bees' systems, policies and expertise.

Spotlight on
North America
From entering in North Americas in 2019, Busy Bees' presence has now grown to over 200 centres with the capacity to educate and care for more than 25,000 children.
North America offers significant potential for future growth as we build upon our current position as one of the top childcare providers in the region.
Our strategy is focused on acquiring high-quality early years education and childcare groups, and investing in upgrades to their facilities and materials while incorporating Busy Bees' best practice policies, procedures, technology and curriculum.
To that end, in October 2023 Busy Bees successfully acquired The Malvern School, a well-established network of 27 childcare centres located across Southeastern Pennsylvania and Central New Jersey.
The Malvern School was identified as an ideal addition to the Group because of its commitment to high standards of care and innovative curriculum.
This strategic acquisition complements our existing portfolio in the region, most of which operate under the BrightPath brand.

acquistions made since 2013

centres added to the portfolio since 2013

and respected childcare brands

seamless month integration period